Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My sister needs a netbook because the one my brother just brought from Ireland seemed to have only worked for a few days. It went kaput on her and decided never to turn on again. Since I have a wireless access point at home I recommended her to get a laptop or a netbook but knowing how cheap my sister is she's probably going to get the latter instead. Now I'm trying to figure out what particular netbook would be perfect for her lifestyle.


I suggested she gets this one because of its reasonable price and because almost everyone has it in this side of the world. The EeePC is lightweight, very power efficient and no nonsense in a way. Some of my friends have it and they recommend this one over the others but just like any other netbook the drawback of this would be storage. I don't know who invented these things but man have some decent storage on it for crying out loud (wait I think it has 250GB yey!)! For the 22,000 Philippine peso price it does not seem justifiable that it doesn't have an included operating system with it. Some stores carry it with an OS (probably Windows 7) but you have to dish out around 2 thousand Philippine pesos just to get it working. I am not that much of a fan of Linux so don't force me to install freeware on it too. That would just be a pain to do obviously. Do you guys have other things to recommend I buy instead of this?! Please let me know! I'll try to review the other laptops as soon as I get the specs analyzed. Keep reading for more soon!


Windows 7
Intel Atom N450 (1.66Ghz)
Intel 945GSE Chipset
Intel GMA 950 Graphics
10 WSGA Display LCD
1.3 MegaPixel Video Camera
250GB Hardisk Drive

Passed or Not?! : A huge MAYBE!


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