Wednesday, April 14, 2010
My Aunt from Irvine is actually moving to San Diego in a few days. Aside from that, she needs to get her things packed so she can go back to the Philippines and spend a few months for a family vacation. I know how she worked hard for some IT corporations and it is high time she takes a break from all that stress. The manufacturers of home and small office networking devices (where she works) are located in the same area where she lives and the plan was to get some of her office mates to help her out. Then again there was Irvine movers on stand by so some of the high ticket items are going to be transported safely. I'm sure they did it nicely since my Aunt is happy when she called in.
I hope they do more good transfers just like the Carlsbad movers which I read off reviews on a moving site. They know what they are doing because they are professionals after all. I am quite optimistic that if she plans to move out again in the next few years (because this has been a habit for her in the last decade) it won't be quite a burden for her anymore. I'm sure she can handle it even if we're not that much available to help her. They did a good job now if ever she plans to have San Diego movers do the next one, I would be the last one to worry about it. Thank the heavens for moving professionals; they make life for IT workers like my Aunt easy as pie. Everything is high tech today anyway!

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